Rules of the Organization

Last Updated October 15th, 2023

1. Name of the Organization

The name of the organization is Aerial Unlimited, and its registered office is in Turku.

2. Purpose and Nature of Activities

The purpose of the organization is to promote and develop regional opportunities for aerial acrobatics, lower the threshold for involvement in these activities, actively raise public awareness of the diversity, artistic aesthetics, cultural significance, and physical demands of aerial acrobatic disciplines. The organization aims to increase the recognition and appreciation of these disciplines through various means, including performing arts events and sports activities. A key element in achieving the organization's purpose is the members' involvement, which includes advancing and respecting the interests, values, and goals of the organization both within and outside the organization.

To achieve its purpose, the organization:

To support its activities, the organization may, after obtaining the necessary permits:

3. Members

The organization can have regular, partner, and supporting members. Members can be Finnish legal entities such as corporations, cooperatives, associations, or other entities, as well as private Finnish citizens who accept the organization's purpose and rules and commit to following and respecting them in all their activities. Only regular members of the organization have the right to vote at the organization's meetings.

The organization's members are approved by the board. The organization can appoint an honorary member, who has significantly contributed to the realization of the organization's purpose, with their activities. Members must have a functional email address as their contact information. Members are obliged to provide the organization with their full name, place of residence, and any changes to this information, as well as their email address. Members are obligated to act in the best interests and values of the organization, promoting the realization of the organization's vision through their activities. They should also ensure that their actions and public appearances help maintain the organization's reputation as impeccable.

4. Membership Fee

The amount of the entrance fee and the annual membership fee to be collected from members is decided by the annual general meeting. The amount of the membership fee and entrance fee may vary from year to year and may differ for different types of members and legal entities. Honorary members are not required to pay membership fees. Members may be required to pay other justified fees, such as fees related to the use of facilities.

5. Resignation and Removal of Members

Members have the right to resign from the organization by notifying the board in writing or by declaring their resignation at the organization's meeting for it to be recorded in the minutes. The board can remove a member from the organization if the member has failed to pay their membership dues, or otherwise failed to fulfill the obligations they have committed to by joining the organization, or if the member has acted in a way that has harmed the organization, its property, and/or its members through words or actions, or if the member no longer meets the conditions mentioned in the law or the organization's rules for membership.

6. Board

The affairs of the organization are managed by the board, consisting of a chairman and 2–7 other regular members, and 0-3 deputy members, elected at the annual general meeting. The board's term of office is two consecutive years from the time of election at the annual general meeting. The board's task is to work towards achieving the organization's purpose and goals. The board's term is two years, with the starting and ending date determined by the timing of the annual general meetings.

The board selects a vice-chairman from among its members and appoints a secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officers either from among its members or externally. The board meets when called by the chairman or, in their absence, by the vice-chairman when they deem it necessary, or when at least half of the board members require it. The board is quorate when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Decisions are made by an absolute majority of votes. In the case of a tie, the chairman's vote decides, except in elections, where the decision is made by drawing lots.

A record is kept of the board meeting, which is signed by the chairman and the secretary. The record is verified by a board member present at the meeting who was selected for that purpose.

7. Signing on Behalf of the Organization

The organization's name is signed by the chairman of the board alone, the vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, or any person authorized by the board, two together.

8. Financial Year and Audit

The organization's financial year is the calendar year. The financial statements and the annual report of the organization, along with any necessary documents, shall be submitted to auditors/accountants no later than one month before the annual general meeting. The auditors/accountants must provide a written statement to the board no later than two weeks before the annual general meeting.

9. Organization's Meetings

The organization's regular meeting is the annual general meeting. The annual general meeting is held each year on a date determined by the board between January and May. Members of the organization may participate in the meeting through telecommunications or other technical means if the board or the meeting decides so. Each regular member and honorary member has one vote at the organization's meetings. Decisions at the organization's meetings are made by a majority of over half of the votes cast unless the rules specify otherwise. Voting is open unless a member present at the meeting demands a secret vote. In case of a tie, the chairman's vote decides, except in elections, where the decision is made by drawing lots.

Extraordinary meetings are held if the board deems it necessary or if at least half of the organization's voting members demand it in writing for a specific reason. The meeting must be held within thirty days from when the request to hold the meeting was presented to the board.

10. Convening Organization's Meetings

The board must convene the organization's meetings at least seven days before the meeting by sending written notices to members by post or by email to the address provided by the member. The notice must specify the issues to be addressed at the meeting. Other communications can also be sent by email or through other electronic means.

11. Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the organization is opened by the chairman of the board or the vice-chairman, or if both are absent, by the oldest board member present at the meeting.

The following issues are discussed at the organization's annual general meeting:

If a member of the organization wishes to have a specific issue discussed at the annual general meeting, they must notify the board in writing well in advance, so that the issue can be included in the meeting notice.

12. Amendment of the Rules and Dissolution of the Organization

A decision to amend the rules and to dissolve the organization must be made at the organization's meeting with at least three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. The meeting notice must specify the amendments to the rules or the dissolution of the organization.

In the event of the organization's dissolution, its assets shall be used for the purpose of the organization as decided by the meeting that decides on the dissolution. If the organization is terminated, its assets shall be used for the same purpose.